Martin Schnürer
Martin Schnürer
Programmer, writer, cat-lover. I also like biking, hiking and chilling in my hammock near a river.
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The most common problems a team of coders faces

16 May 2020
10m read

Introduction It’s going to be a while working as a web developer in this crazy fast growing and emerging industry. Next to the web…

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Lucinda #1 - Introduction

05 March 2020
7m read

Let me introduce Lucinda. My side personal project solving project management issues and time tracking. What is it all about It all started…

This is why I love Gatsby JS

28 January 2020
4m read

GatsbyJS is framework for generating static webpages written in React and GraphQL. In this post I’m going to tell you why I think GatsbyJS…

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How To Use Redux Without Losing Your Mind - Part II

02 January 2020
3m read

In the last part How To Use Redux Without Losing Your Mind I’ve presented the new way of using redux libary. The main reason behind…

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How To Use Redux Without Losing Your Mind

19 November 2019
6m read

TLDR; You can use redux without a lot of boilerplate with just one action changing the whole reducer state. Consistency of the structure can…

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Implementing Newsletter Subscription for your Gatsby Website

05 November 2019
16m read

TLDR; You can implement your own email subscription service (almost) for free. In this post, I’m going to implement one and tell you more…

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How Should One Cut His Forest In Order to Last Him Forever

29 October 2019
10m read

This is Jack. Jack is a man living in a cabin inside a small forest. He knows how to cut trees and how to take care of his small cabin. He…

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My first Road Trip and what would I Change the Next Time

30 September 2019
7m read

It was 5AM. Alarm on my phone woke me up from already shallow sleep. You can’t really sleep when you know something big has to come. And so…

Who the hell is Lucinda?

29 August 2019
3m read

Lucinda is a lazy black fluffy girl. Her name was generated by random name generator and I’m not joking now. Lucinda looks somewhat like…

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Use Case - Difference between Include and Extend Notation

28 August 2019
1m read

I see people always struggling with include/exclude notation inside use case diagrams. I think these diagrams could explain it better. use…

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I had the app idea

25 July 2019
4m read

Inspiration One day I had an idea on the app. My main source of inspiration was the game named - a lot of you know this game…

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So I've got Master's degree - Is the college really worth it?

12 June 2019
7m read

Prepare yourself, chill out and read it happily while sipping out of your favorite tea or coffee. Don’t take the post too seriously but also…

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Simple Syntax Reference and Documentation for Rust

07 May 2019
8m read

First I heard about Rust in the summer 2018. Since then I didn’t have much time to run into learning new stuff. I’m glad this is the right…

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So when is actually the time to retire?

01 May 2019
6m read

Silly question, isn’t it? Maybe the answer automatically popped up in your head - I retire, when my government tells me to. However, the…

My don't know list for 2019

28 March 2019
3m read

Let me share with you the list of what I don’t know yet in 2019. Life Flat tire - If I had any, my dad would repair. Always looked at it…

Using Reselect at React Class Components

27 March 2019
8m read

Today at the work, I had a little trouble with refactoring our class components. The problem was our react frontend application was…

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How to Make Useful Expense Charts In Google Sheets

08 March 2019
9m read

In part one I showed you how to create a simple way to track your expenses. In this part I am going to show you how you can make some sexi…

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Simple Tracking Expenses with Google Sheets and Forms

01 March 2019
7m read

Motivation If you are not interested in the story about my unsuccessful start jump here As a student, self-financing person I had a lot of…

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