Martin Schnürer
Martin Schnürer

Hi there! My name is Martin and this is my personal site made in Gatsby. I am from Slovakia - a beautiful country located in the center of Europe. Currently, I live in a beautiful city called Brno, Czech Republic. Before that, I lived in Bratislava - the main capital city of Slovakia where I studied software engineering at Slovak Technical University.

I am a freelance programmer mainly coding in react.js with Typescript. But I have also experience with node.js, deployed on AWS EC2 or Lambda.

In August 2019 I wrote my very first line for my personal project called Lucinda. This project solves project management issues along with time tracking. Both combined, giving powerful way tasks and personal/team productivity tracking. I am betting on amazing user experience and customizable tools which satisfy anyone's needs.

I often have unnecessary complex thoughts and weird sense of humor. Sarcasm is my friend. I love biking, hiking, and hammocking at a nice place (I used to hang around near the Danube river in Bratislava)

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